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Reimagining Education

There is nothing that OutGrowth cares about more than reimagining education. Maura Sternberg has been an excellent example of the power of reimagining how learning and education can look. Check out our Q+A with Maura below, and read more in this latest issue of En Root!

This month's theme is all about education reimagined. Tell us how this theme has played a role in your personal or professional life.

Teaching and Learning is work that has been a part of my life, all of my life! Teaching and learning with/from the people in my life is my love language, it's one of the major currencies by which I build and feel beauty in the relationships in my life.

At OutGrowth, we believe in designing the space and time to reimagine the path forward. How do you believe education (in any form) can impact our perspective and influence our future decisions?

I think that reimagining education is a necessary step in building the world we want to see. It's easy to believe the socially constructed lie that "education" is something that happens in a "school building" from 8a-3p, like it could be a distinct and separate entity from the core fabric of everyone's lives. Reimagining education means that we understand that teaching and learning are the sole spiritual purpose of having a life here on Earth - it's the core of who we are as humans! From this place, taking the toddler to the grocery store is "education," and so is taking your younger sister shopping for her first lacy bra, and listening to your friend talk through how to handle her elderly mother's care. If we see our collective teaching and learning as the Point of being in community with each other, then we will make decisions that prioritize the growth and evolution of us all, above anything else.

What is one hard lesson you learned in this past year that contributed to your growth?

To find creative and joyful experiences in places of major uncertainty.

What is one competency or skill you hope to develop in 2023 and beyond?

I want to develop my capacity to make deeper impacts on folks who are "very different" from me.

What inspires you?

The Earth! Plants and animals! The spirits you can hear if you are really quiet when you walk in the forest!

At OutGrowth, we believe in preparing the next generation of leaders. What is one resource you'd recommend to those looking to carve out the time for growth in the next year?

Lol, to reference my piece, the Tao Te Ching. OR, "Behaving as if the God in All Things Mattered."

What's next? What are you excited about in the coming year?

Growing my business ventures! Check out my collaborations at The Womb Room, Blossoming Daughters, and check out my substack here.

Maura is a Shiatsu practitioner, herbalist, and women's health educator. She is a witch, In Service to the divinity in all things, especially the Unseen worlds. She works with women, mothers, children, babies, and men, facilitating healing and folks' fullest expression.

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Anna is an experiential education expert and die-hard advocate for immersive programming.


With experience traveling and working in over 25 countries, she earned her MBA from The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, and has a professional background in human-centered design, higher education, program/curriculum development, community development, adventure tourism, voluntourism, corporate wellness and outdoor education.

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