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A Life of Transformation

Haleemat Adekoya is our featured writer for August, with a beautiful, inspiring story of transformation. This month, we had the opportunity to interview Haleemat, and learn a little more about her. Enjoy our Q+A below, and be sure to check out Haleemat's full feature in our August issue of En Root!

This month's theme is all about transformation. Tell us how this theme has played a role in your personal or professional life.

My life is all about transformation. I have been hardwired to believe that there is always room to live, learn, and grow. When I was younger, I transformed into a young girl who was insecure and suicidal due to the trauma she experienced. Then, I transformed into a bully just because I was bullied. I decided that I didn't want either lifestyle for myself and transformed to be the change I wanted to see. Since then, I have allowed myself to be transformed in roles and spaces that set my soul on fire. From writing a book during COVID, to applying to a scholarship program that I believed I was unqualified for, to now working at the Federal Department of Education. I have allowed my mind to be constantly transformed, to constantly expand, and to reach beyond heights like I never could have expected.

At OutGrowth, we believe in designing the space and time to reimagine the path forward. How do you believe that remaining open to transformation can impact your professional future?

I used to be a person that feared leaving a place because of all the people that “mentored” me to be there, and I had the belief that I needed to stay longer to pay them back. But, with my last job switch, I have come to realize that I do not owe anyone a stay longer than required, and that I have the right and freedom to leave a space without fear.

What is one hard lesson you learned in this past year that contributed to your growth? 

One hard lesson I had to learn this year is how setting new boundaries can often bring guilt. Additionally, I have learned my passivity doesn’t bring peace if I have no peace within. Breaking free from these two mindsets has allowed me to set boundaries and sit in discomfort. Furthermore, it’s allowed me to speak up in my personal relationships and understand that even if things are not roses and butterflies, as long as I speak my truth, that’s all that matters.

What is one competency or skill you hope to develop in 2024 and beyond?

The art of listening - ot listening to respond, but listening to understand. Additionally, realizing some disagreements are simply for understanding's sake and don't need to be about who is right or wrong.

What inspires you?

I am truly inspired by my friends and family. Every time I think I can do better, be better, think better - I am able to because of them. I’m inspired by the possibility of what Faith can do and how Faith can move mountains.

At OutGrowth, we believe in preparing the next generation of leaders. What is one resource you'd recommend to those looking to carve out the time for growth in the next year?

The Emotionally Healthy Leader by Peter Scazzero

What's next? What are you excited about in the coming year?

In the next year, I will be transforming again and becoming a wife! 2025 is going to be a year in which I’m thankful to God and super excited to see what becomes of it.

Haleemat Adekoya is an M.A. in Teaching graduate with a Certificate in Elementary Education from UMBC. Haleemat completed her undergraduate studies at UMBC, earning a B.A. in Political Science. She is a former 5th-grade English and Social Studies Teacher at The Historic Cherry Hill EMS in Baltimore City. Presently, she is a Public Affairs Specialist at the U.S. Department of Education. She loves all things adventure, binge watching shows, trying out new foods, and hanging out with family and friends.


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